Reblogged from: Bookstooge's Reviews On the Road
This post/tutorial with screenshots will hopefully show you how to requests edits for your books.
It is long, so please have patience.
How To Request an Edit
1) On the book page that you want to edit, click on the "edit" symbol
2) This will bring up the main Edit Page. It is a full length page and will require some scrolling, hence why I have had to include 3 pix to show it all.
3) Now we will begin to fill in data, from the bottom up.
A) Source link. This tells where you are getting your data from. You MUST have
this info or the librarians may reject your request.
Verification is important.
B) Acceptable source links are as follows:
BookLikes users can use the following sources for book and
author information:
- BookLikes affiliate partners (visible at Settings/Affiliate Programs),
-which includes:
- Amazon
- Book Depository
- Powell's Book
- official websites of publishers
- public domain information which provide open access to the information
- library information
- official author page
- personal archives
C) Genre
- This is already filled in for this book, so no need to add any.
- If it was blank, you would click on the pull down menu and select the ones
that apply
D) Language
- For those of you reading this, except for a very few, it should be English
and the default should be English.
E) Description.
-This can be copied from any of the acceptable book
sources listed above. I will be using the description
from Amazon to replace the incomplete description
already there.
F) Number of pages.
-Edit from 0 to the correct number.
-For AUDIO books, fill in this number with how many minutes
it is, NOT hours. So a 7hr book would be 420minutes.
You would enter 420.
G) Format.
-Usually already correct unless blank or some really weird thing.
- Don't change this if the isbn matches the format on your
source link. Ie, don't turn a hardcover into an ebook.
H) Date Published.
- Should be in YYYY-MM-DD format.
- That is, 4 digit year, 2 digit month, 2 digit day.
- ie, 2004-03-25 is March 25th, 2004
- You don't have to fill in the whole date if unknown. so 2004
would be fine for the above example, as would 2004-03.
K) Publisher.
- I recommend leaving this alone UNLESS you know what
you are doing.
- a book should have either an ISBN 10/13 number
OR an ASIN. It should not have both.
- If it has both, as the book in my example shows, delete the
ASIN, as the ISBN came first.
- The only exception is a Kindle/Ebook bundle.
Booklikes brings them into the database bundled.
Don't ask me why.
- do NOT change an already established ISBN or ASIN.
Instead, search the database using the ISBN/ASIN you have
and it should show up. If it doesn't, request to add a new book.
M) Series and Series Position
- Start typing in the series name. If it already exists,
it will pop up. Some series have a number after them,
if that is the only one available, type in the full series
without the number and add as a new series
- series position is pretty obvious.
N) Author
- Under the author dropdown are the following options:
- Author
- Illustrator
- Editor
- Translator
- Narrator
- Contributor
- Use these as necessary.
O) Title
- clean this up as necessary.
- Should not include series info, date, publisher info, etc.
P) Cover
- It should match the isbn/asin
Do not change the cover to match the one you "like".
Only upload a higher quality cover, not a different one.
- Save the higher quality cover image to your computer,
then upload using the "Select File" button.
Q) Finally, scroll all the way down to the bottom of the page and hit
the big green "Submit" button.
- Your edits are now in the queue and a librarian will eventually
get to them.
4) Remember, a SOURCE LINK is your friend and necessary. Without it,
your edits cannot be verified and will most likely be rejected.
Original post: